A patient’s initial visit to our office consists of X-rays and a consultation regarding treatment options. For patients in extreme pain, we will make every effort to see you the day you call. We will relieve your pain through emergency treatment, or refer you to a dental specialist, then schedule you for necessary follow-ups.

Please bring the following information with you to your initial consultation:

  • Picture ID, Dental Insurance Card and X-rays
  • A list of medications you are taking

If you have insurance, bring your current card with you to your appointment. If you don’t have an insurance card, we will need the phone number, subscriber number and group number. This will speed up the processing of your claim.

IMPORTANT: Patients under 18 years old need a parent or guardian to accompany them to the consultation visit.

If you have a medical condition that may be of concern, or if you are on medication, please let us know prior to treatment (i.e. hearing condition, diabetes, etc.).


If your dentist recently took X-rays, please email them to our office to help with diagnosis. Additional films can be taken at our office if necessary.